Solar energy to pump up safe water for families & children in displaced persons camp #Borno @UNICEFwater— UNICEF Nigeria (@UNICEF_Nigeria) 9 de setembro de 2016
Speaking with Gaia, the primordial goddess of the Earth. This blog exists to support the changing of information about People, Environment, Planet Earth and Well-Being; and to support reflexion, discussion and answering whatever someone (everyone) decides is worthful.
domingo, 11 de setembro de 2016
Solar energy and safe water to needed people
quarta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2015
"This is my land, and my land is me, and I am it."
(1) We Shall Remain - After the Mayflower
Recommended by Aboriginal and Tribal Nation News.
"This is my land, and my land is me, and I am it."
(1) We Shall Remain - After the Mayflower
Recommended by Aboriginal and Tribal Nation News.
domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015
WHAT IS FREEDOM? - testimonials, 01: Seung Sahn
WHAT IS FREEDOM? - testimonials, 01: Seung Sahn

Soen-sa said, - “Freedom means no hindrance. If your parents tell you to do something and you think that you are a free person so you will not listen to them, this is not true freedom. True freedom is freedom from thinking, freedom from all attachments, freedom even from life and death. If I want life, I have life; if I want death, I have death.”
The student said, - “So if you wanted to die right now, you could die?”
Soen-sa said, - “What is death?”
- “I don’t know.”
- “If you make death, there is death. If you make life, there is life. Do you understand? This is freedom. Freedom thinking is freedom. Attachment thinking is hindrance. Suppose your parents say, ‘Your shirt is dirty; you must change it!’ If you say, ‘No, I won’t change; I am free!’, then you are attached to your dirty shirt or to your freedom itself. So you are not free. If you are really free, then dirty is good and clean is good. It doesn’t matter. Not changing my shirt is good; changing my shirt is good. If my parents want me to change, then I change. I don’t do it for my own sake, only for theirs. This is freedom. No desire for myself, only for all people.”
The student said, - “If you have no desire, why do you eat?”
Soen-sa said, - “When I am hungry, I eat.”
- “But why do you eat, if you say you have no desire?”
- “I eat for you.”
- “What do you mean?”
- “‘When I am hungry, I eat’ means ‘just like this.’ This means that there is no attachment to food. There is no ‘I want this’ or ‘I don’t want this.’ If I didn’t eat, I couldn’t teach you. So I eat for you.”
- “I don’t really understand.”
Soen-sa hit him and said, - “Do you understand now?”
- “I don’t know.”
- “You must understand this don’t-know. Then you will not be attached to anything. So always keep don’t-know mind. This is true freedom.”
sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015
Is this true?
This happened in 2006...21st century...
What does this personal belief, I mean, this wrong learning really shows about the subject's mental configuration about the way he sees the Cosmos and the World?...
The question is: «What is it that orbits around the Earth?»
The subject chooses B, "Le Soleil" (the Sun)
And the help of the Public had been also: 56% for "Le Soleil"!!!
Watch the video here:
Once, Rutherford D. Rodgers said:
«We’re drowning in information and starving for knowledge.»
Let me ask now:
«And... what can we expect from people when even information (not only knowledge) is lacking in men and women we could legitimately wait for a minimum amount of correct information?... Must we discuss which is the minimum reasonable amount of "correct" information we can expect from others?»
The question is: «What is it that orbits around the Earth?»
The subject chooses B, "Le Soleil" (the Sun)
And the help of the Public had been also: 56% for "Le Soleil"!!!
Watch the video here:
Once, Rutherford D. Rodgers said:
«We’re drowning in information and starving for knowledge.»
Let me ask now:
«And... what can we expect from people when even information (not only knowledge) is lacking in men and women we could legitimately wait for a minimum amount of correct information?... Must we discuss which is the minimum reasonable amount of "correct" information we can expect from others?»
Lion Cecil - Jane Discusses the Horrors of Trophy Hunting
Jane Discusses the Horrors of Trophy Hunting | the Jane Goodall Institute
Today, checking on the situation regarding the Minnesota dentist who killed Cecil the lion, I discovered that a rival male has killed one of Cecil’s cubs who were abandoned by Cecil’s brother, Jericho. Almost certainly the other cubs will be killed as well. This is what lions do when they take over a pride, thus eliminating the genes of their rival. And what of all the genetic disruption of the species’ future? For the hunter will go after the lions with the biggest manes, in their prime – those who carry the genes likely to result in the perpetuation of magnificence. We can never know what role Cecil’s cubs might have played – he was killed and this led to their death.

What makes things worse is 1) the fact that Cecil was illegally lured out of the safety of the protected area where he had established his territory. Palmer insists, rightly or wrongly, that he was not aware of this. And 2) Cecil was not even killed outright by the bow hunter, but spent 40 hours wounded and in pain before he was found and finished off with a bullet.
Palmer’s behavior was despicable on all counts. But the reason that his behavior became the subject of anger and hatred around the world was because Cecil was a known and loved individual. With a radio collar (almost certainly invisible in the beautiful thick mane), part of a scientific study.
And the question we should ask ourselves is this: Just because he was named, and loved and part of a scientific study, does that make him any different, in the world of the lion, than the other lions killed by “sport” hunters? All those splendid individuals whose decapitated heads disfigure the walls of countless wealthy homes?
Indeed, Palmer is not the only hunter deserving of our contempt and anger. Far from it. At least 600 trophy hunters kill lions each year. Each lion has his own personality and place in lion society, even if this is not known to us. And, of course, lions are not the only animals targeted by sports hunters. Palmer himself has killed all manner of creatures in Africa and North America. And these hunters absolutely believe that what they are doing is not wrong. Even after Palmer had gone into hiding as a result of the hate mail he generated from around the world, another hunter, Sabrina Corgatelli , began boastfully posting pictures of herself grinning gleefully as she poses with the various animals she has been killing on her hunting safari. The photo that was most shocking shows her gloating over the dead body of a big male giraffe. And she writes:
“Such an amazing animal!! I couldn’t be any happier!! My emotion after getting him was a feeling I will never forget!!!” Initially she seemed to excuse her action, commenting that after all, giraffes are very dangerous, and could hurt you very seriously, very quickly. But as the hate mail poured in she became defiant, she and her boyfriend promising there will be plenty more such pictures for her internet “haters”. We have already seen her with the corpses of various antelope, a lion, a leopard and a warthog with the most glorious tusks. And throughout these postings Sabrina angrily defends her right to pursue her hobby.
Just today I learn of a program that takes children who with disabilities or are critically ill to experience “the outdoor adventure of their dreams,” which translates to them hunting big game. Also in the news is bow hunter “hero” Rebecca Francis shown, with the same sort of delighted smile on her face, actually lying down by the body of the giraffe she had shot. Francis we learn is a mother of 8 children who has killed countless animals in North America and Africa with her crossbow. And there are hundreds of others. Some even shoot animals that have been bred in game farms simply to be hunted.
So many sport hunters proudly post pictures of themselves with their victims. They sometimes defend their actions by claiming the money they pay for the pleasure of killing is what enables impoverished countries to pay for conservation of wildlife. It’s a strange kind of argument with many flaws. For one thing, the money does not always end up in any conservation program. Moreover, trophy hunting is probably having a damaging effect on the future of the species because the hunter will go after the lions with the biggest manes, antelopes with the biggest horns, warthogs with the biggest tusks. In other words, males in their prime – those who carry the genes likely to result in the perpetuation of strength and magnificence. We can never know what role Cecil’s cubs might have played – he was killed and this will lead to their deaths.
For years I have puzzled about the psyche of the “sports” and trophy hunters. How can Sabrina feel “happy” as she contemplates with pride the severed heads of her innocent victims, the trophies she will take back to her home. This is very different from the emotions of a Native American (and other indigenous peoples) who thank the animal they have killed for food, say a prayer for its spirit. And different too from the pride – and surely relief – that a young Masai used to feel after killing a lion, armed only with his spear, to prove his manhood. Or the feelings of villagers who have killed a lion who raided their villages and killed a precious cow or goat, or an elephant that destroyed their crops, just before harvest.
But I simply cannot put myself into the mind of a person who pays thousands of dollars to go and kill beautiful animals simply to boast, to show off their skill or their courage. Especially as it often involves no skill or courage whatsoever, when the prey is shot with a high powered rifle from a safe distance. How can anyone with an ounce of compassion be proud of killing these magnificent creatures? Lions, leopards, sable antelopes, giraffes and all the other sport or trophy animals are beautiful – but only in life. In death they represent the sad victims of a sadistic desire to attract praise from their friends at the expense of innocent creatures. And when they claim they respect their victims and experience emotions of happiness at the time of the killing, then surely this must be the joy of a diseased mind?
There are many ethical issues, which we seldom face up to, whenever an animal is killed. For example, is it “worse” to shoot a wild boar for food than to slaughter an imprisoned factory farmed hog? Does the life of a wild turkey matter more than the life of a free range domestic turkey? Is the person who grants a license to the hunter, or the one who authorizes that person, or the one who drafts the laws that make it legal to do this, as guilty as the person who pulls the trigger (or fires the crossbow)? These and many other such questions are seldom asked. And when they are, they sometimes seem impossible to answer.
But trophy hunting is hard to defend. And the outpouring of anger and hatred occasioned by the killing of Cecil shows how many people feel that the days of the great White Hunter should be brought to a close. It is excellent news that many airlines have now refused to carry trophies. Cecil has become, albeit unknowingly, a martyr for a cause.
Jane Goodall, Ph.D., DBE
Founder, the Jane Goodall Institute &
UN Messenger of Peace
Today, checking on the situation regarding the Minnesota dentist who killed Cecil the lion, I discovered that a rival male has killed one of Cecil’s cubs who were abandoned by Cecil’s brother, Jericho. Almost certainly the other cubs will be killed as well. This is what lions do when they take over a pride, thus eliminating the genes of their rival. And what of all the genetic disruption of the species’ future? For the hunter will go after the lions with the biggest manes, in their prime – those who carry the genes likely to result in the perpetuation of magnificence. We can never know what role Cecil’s cubs might have played – he was killed and this led to their death.

What makes things worse is 1) the fact that Cecil was illegally lured out of the safety of the protected area where he had established his territory. Palmer insists, rightly or wrongly, that he was not aware of this. And 2) Cecil was not even killed outright by the bow hunter, but spent 40 hours wounded and in pain before he was found and finished off with a bullet.
Palmer’s behavior was despicable on all counts. But the reason that his behavior became the subject of anger and hatred around the world was because Cecil was a known and loved individual. With a radio collar (almost certainly invisible in the beautiful thick mane), part of a scientific study.
And the question we should ask ourselves is this: Just because he was named, and loved and part of a scientific study, does that make him any different, in the world of the lion, than the other lions killed by “sport” hunters? All those splendid individuals whose decapitated heads disfigure the walls of countless wealthy homes?
Indeed, Palmer is not the only hunter deserving of our contempt and anger. Far from it. At least 600 trophy hunters kill lions each year. Each lion has his own personality and place in lion society, even if this is not known to us. And, of course, lions are not the only animals targeted by sports hunters. Palmer himself has killed all manner of creatures in Africa and North America. And these hunters absolutely believe that what they are doing is not wrong. Even after Palmer had gone into hiding as a result of the hate mail he generated from around the world, another hunter, Sabrina Corgatelli , began boastfully posting pictures of herself grinning gleefully as she poses with the various animals she has been killing on her hunting safari. The photo that was most shocking shows her gloating over the dead body of a big male giraffe. And she writes:
“Such an amazing animal!! I couldn’t be any happier!! My emotion after getting him was a feeling I will never forget!!!” Initially she seemed to excuse her action, commenting that after all, giraffes are very dangerous, and could hurt you very seriously, very quickly. But as the hate mail poured in she became defiant, she and her boyfriend promising there will be plenty more such pictures for her internet “haters”. We have already seen her with the corpses of various antelope, a lion, a leopard and a warthog with the most glorious tusks. And throughout these postings Sabrina angrily defends her right to pursue her hobby.
Just today I learn of a program that takes children who with disabilities or are critically ill to experience “the outdoor adventure of their dreams,” which translates to them hunting big game. Also in the news is bow hunter “hero” Rebecca Francis shown, with the same sort of delighted smile on her face, actually lying down by the body of the giraffe she had shot. Francis we learn is a mother of 8 children who has killed countless animals in North America and Africa with her crossbow. And there are hundreds of others. Some even shoot animals that have been bred in game farms simply to be hunted.
So many sport hunters proudly post pictures of themselves with their victims. They sometimes defend their actions by claiming the money they pay for the pleasure of killing is what enables impoverished countries to pay for conservation of wildlife. It’s a strange kind of argument with many flaws. For one thing, the money does not always end up in any conservation program. Moreover, trophy hunting is probably having a damaging effect on the future of the species because the hunter will go after the lions with the biggest manes, antelopes with the biggest horns, warthogs with the biggest tusks. In other words, males in their prime – those who carry the genes likely to result in the perpetuation of strength and magnificence. We can never know what role Cecil’s cubs might have played – he was killed and this will lead to their deaths.
For years I have puzzled about the psyche of the “sports” and trophy hunters. How can Sabrina feel “happy” as she contemplates with pride the severed heads of her innocent victims, the trophies she will take back to her home. This is very different from the emotions of a Native American (and other indigenous peoples) who thank the animal they have killed for food, say a prayer for its spirit. And different too from the pride – and surely relief – that a young Masai used to feel after killing a lion, armed only with his spear, to prove his manhood. Or the feelings of villagers who have killed a lion who raided their villages and killed a precious cow or goat, or an elephant that destroyed their crops, just before harvest.
But I simply cannot put myself into the mind of a person who pays thousands of dollars to go and kill beautiful animals simply to boast, to show off their skill or their courage. Especially as it often involves no skill or courage whatsoever, when the prey is shot with a high powered rifle from a safe distance. How can anyone with an ounce of compassion be proud of killing these magnificent creatures? Lions, leopards, sable antelopes, giraffes and all the other sport or trophy animals are beautiful – but only in life. In death they represent the sad victims of a sadistic desire to attract praise from their friends at the expense of innocent creatures. And when they claim they respect their victims and experience emotions of happiness at the time of the killing, then surely this must be the joy of a diseased mind?
There are many ethical issues, which we seldom face up to, whenever an animal is killed. For example, is it “worse” to shoot a wild boar for food than to slaughter an imprisoned factory farmed hog? Does the life of a wild turkey matter more than the life of a free range domestic turkey? Is the person who grants a license to the hunter, or the one who authorizes that person, or the one who drafts the laws that make it legal to do this, as guilty as the person who pulls the trigger (or fires the crossbow)? These and many other such questions are seldom asked. And when they are, they sometimes seem impossible to answer.
But trophy hunting is hard to defend. And the outpouring of anger and hatred occasioned by the killing of Cecil shows how many people feel that the days of the great White Hunter should be brought to a close. It is excellent news that many airlines have now refused to carry trophies. Cecil has become, albeit unknowingly, a martyr for a cause.
Jane Goodall, Ph.D., DBE
Founder, the Jane Goodall Institute &
UN Messenger of Peace
sábado, 21 de março de 2015
O consumo responsável a que todos temos direito
Terra terá menos 40 por cento de água daqui a 15 anos, anuncia a Unesco.
O Papa Francisco, na sua Mensagem para a celebração do 48.º Dia Mundial da Paz, no primeiro dia de 2015, num texto a que deu o título "Já não são escravos, mas irmãos", afirmou, citando Bento XVI:
"Comprar é sempre um acto moral, para além de económico."
Ontem, na Senhora da Assedasse, jovens alunos da minha escola, plantaram pinheiros, bétulas, azevinhos, carvalhos e mais outras espécies de árvores. No final do dia, sentiam-se especialmente felizes.
Hoje, depois de se levantarem, logo de manhã, na Casa das Mimosas, foram confrontados com o desafio de pensarem sobre esta condição da Água no planeta Terra - tanto quanto saibamos, o único - maravilhoso, por sinal! - habitável.
O primeiro desafio das bem frágeis plantas que ontem puseram agarradas à terra está já aí: é a água de que necessitam. Os trabalhadores da terra que tão carinhosamente e tão pacientemente guiaram os entusiásticos e ansiosos alunos, diziam-me no fim: "Que não lhes falte a água que estamos à espera que lhes chegue, a previsão é de que chova já na semana que vem..." Que a água não falte mesmo a estas arvorezitas que tiveram tão ingénuos plantadores!
E os alunos, que vão, na verdade, fazer eles já a partir de hoje ou de amanhã, com o aviso do Papa Francisco? Tanto mais que a aventura na Serra da Estrela foi a celebração festiva da Semana de Moral da escola.
domingo, 25 de agosto de 2013
O Universo é narcisista
![]() | a.456449604376056.98921.367116489976035&type=1&theater |
― Brian Cox
(Nós somos o Cosmos tornado consciência e a Vida é o instrumento através do qual o Universo se compreende a si mesmo)
Penso que António Damásio concordará com esta afirmação... Pela minha parte, penso haver uma sintonia entre a afirmação de Cox e o que o Professor Damásio tem tentado dizer-nos sobre a evolução do cérebro e do pensamento.
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